A message from the editor of this section, Professor Juan Tamargo
Old and new drugs need to demonstrate to be not only efficacious but also safe. Adverse effects, just like the therapeutic effects, of drugs, are a function of dosage or drug levels at the target organs. As Paracelsus (1493-1541) says, “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous”.
As doctors, one of our main interests is to protect public health and to promote the judicious use of drugs. As we all have to deal with polimedicated patients, it is very important to be aware of the possible interactions of the drugs that we use to treat cardiovascular illness. This section exists for that reason.
The drug interaction tables are available to logged-in ISCP members by clicking on the drug class names below. If you are already a member, please log-in to access this content. If you wish to join as a member, please visit our registration page. Use of this content is subject to our disclaimer.
Drug interaction tables
Disclaimer: The information contained in these tables is intended for use by medical professionals and is for informational purposes only. The tables do not cover all possible drug interactions. As a medical professional you retain full responsibility and should use your own clinical judgement and expertise. Although we attempt to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is made to that effect.