Individuals, professional societies, federations and associations interested in having programmes considered for endorsement by the ISCP are required to provide the information requested on the endorsement forms.
Please either complete the request form online or download the form to fill out and send to the address at the bottom of this page.
ISCP Endorsement Benefits
ISCP Endorsement provides meeting organisers with:
- The official ISCP logo and written authorisation for its use on the meeting’s promotional material and the scientific programme
- A sentence indicating that ISCP formally endorses the scientific meeting.
ISCP Endorsement Fees
Meeting endorsements by ISCP will be charged at the following rates:
- For meetings initiated by ISCP Members and/or Local Governors and which have no commercial sponsorship: 500 euros
- For meetings initiated by ISCP Governors, BOD members, or ISCP members, and receiving a degree of financial support (often involving professional event organisers): 1,000 euros
- For any other meetings not fulfilling the criteria indicated under points 1 and 2 above: 2,000 euros
- Under exceptional circumstances, ISCP may grant official endorsement without charging a fee. Applicants who wish to apply for endorsement fee exemption should indicate this on the application form and contact Ms. Begoña Lugg in writing.
- Requests for use of the ISCP logo alone must be addressed to Ms. Begoña Lugg by e-mail with full details of the reasons for the request.
Submission of ISCP Endorsement Form
If you choose to download the endorsement form, please complete and return to:
Lisa Demos
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Epidemiology & Preventative Medicine
Monash University
Victoria, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9903 0578
Fax: +61 3 9903 0556