ISCP Newsletter – June 2018

The 23rd ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting, on 26th-27th of May 2018 in Kyoto, was a very informative and successful meeting. It included joint sessions with representatives from the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, the ISCMF, the WHF and the Asia Pacific Society of Cardiology. Everyone also enjoyed all the social and cultural events organised by Prof Koji Hasegawa and his team.

A Board of Directors Meeting was held on Friday 25th of May prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting, and a Governors Meeting  was held on Sunday 27th of May with a very good attendance. We would like to congratulate the President and Meeting Chair, Prof Koji Hasegawa for running a well-organised and successful meeting.

The ISCP General Assembly will be held on the 26th August during the ESC meeting in August. We hope that as many members as possible will join us on the occasion and that the 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held on the 9th-10th of May 2019 in Lugano, Switzerland, will allow even more of you to participate and share in the work of the Society.

Remember to check the Webinars and Conference Talks, Expert Reviews and Expert Opinions section on the website. Please note these sections of the website are only accessible to ISCP members.

If you have any news or information on upcoming conferences or meetings that you would like included in the next Newsletter (September 2018) to me at by the 24th of August 2018.

Editors: John McNeil & Lisa Demos

President’s section

Dr Koji HasegawaDear Colleagues,

It was a great pleasure and honour to welcome everyone to the 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) on the 26th–27th May 2018, at the Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto, Japan.

An honorary adviser of the ISCP 2018 Kyoto meeting was Chuichi Kawai, Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University. Professor Kawai served as the President of World Heart Federation during 1987-1988, and chaired the 3rd ISCP Congress in 1989. We celebrated his 90th birthday in honour of his great achievements for internationalization of cardiology and out of respect for his positive attitude toward clinical cardiology.

Thank you very much to everyone who attended for your great support and for taking the time to join the ISCP 2018 Kyoto meeting. We trust that the congress was fulfilling, educational and rewarding. We hope that the excellent program brings you expertise in your career and the potential for fruitful collaborations in the future.

Prof Koji Hasegawa,
President, ISCP
Chair, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP

23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP- Kyoto 2018

Professor Lina Badimon gave The Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award Lecture on Precision Medicine: Molecular Phenotyping in Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Prof Badimon is from the Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (ICCC), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and CIBERCV, Carlos III Institute in Spain.



The Welcome Reception and Prof Lina Badimon giving The Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award Lecture


The following received Young Investigator Awards: Yusuke Higuchi for Cavin-2 deficiency attenuates cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction in pressure-overloaded hearts, Ayumi Katayama for Comparative analysis of the effects EPA and DHA and Shu Nakao for 3D ultrastructure of the “arrhythmogenic” Purkinje fibre-ventricular junction in rabbit hearts.



Poster sessions

Joint WHF/ISCP Plenary Session: WHFCEO Jean-Luc Eiselé participated in a joint WHF-ISCP Plenary Session on “Global Cardiovascular Risk Management to Achieve 25 by 25”


Prof Juan Carlos Kaski giving the award certificates to: Yusuke Higuchi, Ayumi Katayama and Shu Nakao

World Tobacco No Day Session: Toyoaki Murohara (Japan), Rei Goto (Japan), Lisa Demos (Australia)

Members of the ISCP Executive Committee and Board of Directors: Antoni Martínez-Rubio, (Spain), Juan Carlos Kaski (UK), Koji Hasegawa (Japan), President, Augusto Gallino (Switzerland), VP/ President Elect, Gheorghe-Andrei Dan, (Romania), Edgardo Escobar (Chile)


ISCP 2018 Reception: Prof Koji Hasegawa (Japan) with Prof Sang Hong Baek (Korea), Prof Antoni Martínez-Rubiowith Prof Lina Badimon (Spain), WHF Past President Chuichi Kawai.


ISCP 2018 Reception


Joint Session ISCP-Argentine Federation of Cardiology (FAC)

A Joint Session ISCP-Argentine Federation of Cardiology (FAC) was held on 31st of May in Mendoza, Argentina. The session titled Cardiovascular Precision Medicine: The Future is Today was chaired by Felipe Martínez (ISCP) and Daniel Piskorz (FAC). Speakers included Alvaro Sosa Liprandi on the Optimal Medical Treatment for Secondary Prevention. Is Time for a Polypill? Nestor Vita on Oral Anticoagulation: The Classic and the New, Felipe Martínez on SGLT2 Inhibitors in Heart Failure and Alberto Lorenzatti on Triglycerides Management: Cosmetic or Prevention.

Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the ISCP Korea Chapter

The Inaugural Scientific Session ISCP Korea Chapter (K-ISCP) was held on June 15th, 2018 at Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul. The mission of the K-ISCP, as Governor Sang Hong Baek reported during the opening ceremony, is to improve medical care of cardiovascular disease through research, education, communication and leadership.

The aim of the meeting was to promote cardiovascular pharmaceutical knowledge, set the stage for interaction with colleagues and enhance collaborations with other societies and institutes, thereby contributing to the dissemination of drugs information in order to improve our patient care. The program included:

  • Hope and shadow of new heart failure drugs
  • More questions and answers about DOAC
  • Best solution for resistant hypertension
  • Next wave of dyslipidemia treatment

The meeting was a great success with more than 50 participants from academic university hospitals and R&D departments of pharmaceutical companies in an interactive environment.

The next biannual meeting will be held on November 30 at Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul. The meeting will contain a Joint Session of Korea-Japan of ISCP.

ISCP Book Series: Current Cardiovascular Therapy

The Current Cardiovascular Therapy Series is created with the support of the ISCP. The books provide both an in-depth view of the science and pharmacology behind these drugs and a practical guide to their usage. Each volume is designed to be between 120 and 250 pages, containing practical illustrations and designed to improve understanding and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.

The series currently includes 9 books: Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy; Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes; Atrial Fibrillation Therapy; Cardiac Drugs in Pregnancy; Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease; Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure; Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris; ACEi and ARBS in Hypertension and Heart Failure; Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension.

The books are available as e-books or in soft cover at a discounted rate for ISCP members.

European Cardiology Review (ECR) – Official ISCP Journal

ECR Journal coverThe European Cardiology Review is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal comprising review articles, editorials and case reports. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Juan Carlos Kaski, supported by Associate Editors, and underpinned by an editorial board of world-renowned physicians.

The latest edition. Volume 2, 2017, was released in December 2017 and is accessible to all members via the ECR website. This edition includes the 20 best abstracts from the last ISCP Scientific Meeting in Barcelona.

For information on submitting an article, please contact the Managing Editor, Lindsey Mathews:


News from World Heart Federation (WHF)

Global resolution on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease: on Friday 25 May, Member States of the World Health Organization unanimously adopted a Global Resolution on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

World No Tobacco Day: Joint webinars with the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) were available in the lead up to WNTD. These included a series of three webinars available in Spanish, English and French that discussed the link between tobacco and cardiovascular health. A video is also available of WHF President David Wood speaking on the importance of the global community (scientific societies and foundations to health care professionals) to join the movement against tobacco.

71st World Health Assembly: WHF statements at the 71st World Health Assembly included Agenda Item 11.1 –Draft Thirteenth General Programme of Work; Agenda Item 11.5 – Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines; Agenda Item 11.7 –Preparation for UN HLM on NCDs in 2018; Agenda Item 12.2 –Physical Activity for Health; Agenda Item 12.8 –Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

WHF Strategy 2018-2020: The board developed this strategy, which sets out our vision, ambitious goals, priorities and targets that will have a real impact on cardiovascular health

Third United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs: On 27 September 2018, political and global health leaders will meet in New York City for the Third UN High-level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases. The Meeting will consist of plenary discussions and panels, with an overall theme of scaling up multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral responses to the prevention and control of NCDs. The World Heart Federation has provided comments to the first draft Report of the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs.

WCC2018: The World Congress on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health is in Dubai from 5th-8th December 2018 and the early registration deadline is 17th of July 2018. Keynote speakers include Jeroen J. Bax, Valentin Fuster, Thomas Lüscher, K. Srinath Reddy, Nanette Wenger, Sir Magdi Yacou and Salim Yusuf. The congress will include a Meet and Share Forum for leaders in the field of cardiovascular health to come together and discuss obstacles, share success stories and consider best practice implementation in the global fight against cardiovascular disease and a new forum for non-medical professionals. WCC TV will produce a new daily episode during the conference.

Online Scientific Programme: The interactive scientific programme will be presented by world-renowned leaders in heart health, and will include the latest developments in cardiology and cardiovascular health.

Starting in 2019 WHF will be moving to a new annual World Congress model, which will align all future congresses with members’ congresses and events.


Recent and Upcoming Meetings, Courses and Workshop


23rd World Congress on Heart Disease
27 July 2018
Boston, USA

ESC Congress 2018
25 – 29 August 2018
Munich, Germany

23rd ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress
28 September – 1 October 2018
Bangkok, Thailand

44° Congreso Argentino de Cardiología
18 – 20 October 2018
Buenos Aires, Argentina

39th Panhellenic Congress of Cardiology
18 – 20 October 2018
Athens, Greece

27th European Cardiology Conference
22 – 24 October 2018
Rome, Italy

IDSS 2018
28 October 2018
Tel Aviv, Israel

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018
10 – 14 November 2018
Chicago, Illinois

3rd Global Summit on Circulatory Health
4 – 5 December 2018
Dubai, UAE

WCC 2018
5 – 8 December, 2018
Dubai, UAE

ESC Congress 2019
31 August – 4 September 2019
Paris, France
















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