ISCP Newsletter – June 2019

The 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISCP in Lugano, Switzerland was a great success. Preparations are now underway for the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISCP which will be held on the 8-9 May 2020 in Miami, Florida. More information is available on the meeting’s website:

ISCP members are reminded that they have access to the Webinars and Conference Talks, Expert Reviews and Expert Opinions sections on the website. The Clinical Trials section is updated on a regular basis, with contributions from the Governors and the Board of Directors. The latest contribution is from Maria Eliane Campos Magalhães and Andréa Araujo Brandão, who have provided a commentary on Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with Icosapent Ethyl for Hypertriglyceridemia: The REDUCE-IT trial which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. There is also a useful section on Drug Interactions on the website for Full and Junior members.

Please forward any news or information on upcoming conferences or meetings that you would like included in the September 2019 Newsletter to me at by 22 August 2019.

Editors: John McNeil & Lisa Demos

President’s section

Dear colleagues,

The 2019 Scientific Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland was a very successful meeting. The scientific program covered almost the whole spectrum of cardiovascular pharmacology given by a formidable faculty including world leaders, among many others Eugene Braunwald, Salim Yusuf and Peter Libby.

The program included talks by the discoverers of PCSK9 and rivaroxaban molecules Catherine Boileau and Elisabeth Pezborn respectively, and an unforgettable face-to-face debate session between Stefan Windecker and Filippo Crea on the role of optimal medical care versus interventional treatment in stable coronary artery disease.

The Henry N Neufeld Lecture and the Distinguished Eugene Braunwald Lecture given by Professor Salim Yusuf and Eugene Braunwald crowned the two day meeting in this beautiful Mediterranean part of southern Switzerland.

Augusto Gallino
President, ISCP
Chair, 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP

24th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP – Lugano, Switzerland 2019

The educational and scientific programme covered a wide spectrum of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy, was of a high standard and was well received by the delegates.


Prof Juan Kaski with Dr Eugene Braunwald (left) Dr Eugene Braunwald and Dr Salim Yusuf (right)

Dr Eugene Braunwald (Boston, US) presented the Distinguished Eugene Braunwald Lecture on: The Inclisiran (RNAi of PCSK9) trial: an avenue for postponing CAD until the age of 100? The Henry N Neufeld Lecture was given by Salim Yusuf (Hamilton, CA) on The Polypill: A simple, inexpensive approach to reduce mortality and morbidity worldwide.

The ISCP Poster awards were presented by Prof Augusto Gallino and Prof Juan Kaski to B. M. Y. Cheung, (Hong Kong HK); A. Jomard, (Schlieren-Zurich CH) and A. Denegri, (Mantova IT). The presentations will be online and in the next European Cardiology Review (ECR).


Best Poster: B. M. Y. Cheung, (Hong Kong HK) and colleagues for Network Meta-analysis to Determine the Optimal Level of Systolic Blood Pressure for Hypertensive Patients.
Second best Poster: A. Jomard, (Schlieren-Zurich CH) and colleagues for Bile Acids as Novel Vascular Signalling Molecules and Therapeutic Target.
Third Best Poster: A. Denegri (Mantova IT) and colleagues for The perilousness of antidepressant drugs in a real-world cohort of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

25th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP- Miami, USA 2020

ISCP 2020 logo

2020 will mark the 25th anniversary of the ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting and for the first time we will take our congress to the USA, where we will meet on 8-9 May 2020 in Miami, Florida. The Congress President is Hector Ventura.

Programme topics include acute coronary syndromes; the challenge of controlling blood pressure; new concepts on atrial fibrillation; prevention of cardiovascular disease; pulmonary hypertension; heart failure with preserved EF; lipid therapy or anti-inflammatory therapy for atherosclerosis; and updates on cardiomyopathy, heart failure and peripheral arterial and venous disease. The Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award Lecture will be on Precision Medicine.

For more details of the preliminary programme and registration information, please visit


2019 PHA 50th Annual Convention, Manila, 22-26 May 2019 – ISCP Endorsed Meeting

Koji Hasegawa reported that this was an excellent activity from the Philippine Governor, Nannette Rey. Nannette served as an overall chair of the 50th memorial Philippine Heart Association (PHA) meeting combined with the 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology meeting. She held a preconference just prior to the opening ceremony on the 22nd of May on cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and ISCP sessions. The session topics included stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular pharmacogenomics and aging/inflammation in cardiovascular diseases.

The following ISCP governors participated in the sessions: Bernard Cheng (Hong-Kong), Sang-Hong Baek (Korea), Takanori Ikeda (Japan), Alan Fong (Malaysia) and Doreen Tan (Singapore) in addition to Masayuki Yoshida (Advisory Committee) and the Past ISCP President, Koji Hasegawa. Other chairs and speakers included local Philippine faculties and Gregory Lip. There was active discussion of the topics and the audience found the sessions to be very informative and educational.

The ISCP Board of Directors congratulate Nannette, and hope to see an increase in such activities by governors from each region (Europe, Inter-American and Asian-Pacific).

New ISCP Governor for Mongolia

We welcome Dr Mungunchimeg Dagva, Head of the Cardiovascular Center, Bayangol District, Ard- Ayush, The Shastin Central Hospital, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and President of the Mongolian Society of Cardiologists as the ISCP Governor for Mongolia.

Endorsement of Meetings

Application for ISCP Endorsement of meetings can be made either online or by completing the form available on the website.

News from World Heart Federation (WHF)

Chagas Disease: This year the World Heart Federation will be launching a Global Roadmap on Chagas Disease in partnership with the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, focusing on the ideal patient pathway of diagnosis and treatment. The Roadmap is scheduled for completion by the end of 2019.

72nd World Health Assembly (WHA72): The World Heart Federation participating in WHA72 to advocate for WHF’s strategic priorities. WHF focused primarily on three key areas:

    • Encouraging WHO Member States to finance universal health coverage (UHC) by taxing unhealthy commodities, such as tobacco and unhealthy food and drinks, as a win/win/win policy
    • Calling upon the WHO and Members States to allocate funding for the implementation of the Resolution on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
    • Demonstrating the link between air pollution and CVD to facilitate a multisectoral approach to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Recent WHF Events which are available as recordings include: Chagas Disease: Breaking the Silence; Joining forces to fight CVD in people with diabetes: pathways to solutions and Inequity in NCDs: Making the Case for Familial Hypercholesterolemia.

ESC Congress 2019 with World Congress of Cardiology: The scientific programme for the joint WHF and European Society of Cardiology congress is now available. The late-breaking science results are available in mid-June and abstracts will be available online on the 23rd of August. Look out for the ISCP Joint Session titled How to handle my healthy grandmother – Primary prevention in the elderly (8.30am-10.00am on 3 September).

2nd Meet & Share Forum: WHF will be hosting this forum from 31 August to 1 September 2019, during the ESC Congress 2019 together with World Congress of Cardiology. This unique forum is designed to bring together those involved in leading international, regional, national or local foundations and associations related to cardiovascular disease. It is a platform to discuss obstacles, share success stories and consider best practice implementation.

ISCP Book Series: Current Cardiovascular Therapy

The Current Cardiovascular Therapy Series is created with the support of the ISCP. The books provide both an in-depth view of the science and pharmacology behind these drugs and a practical guide to their usage. Each volume is designed to be between 120 and 250 pages, containing practical illustrations and designed to improve understanding and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.

The series currently includes 9 books: Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy; Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes; Atrial Fibrillation Therapy; Cardiac Drugs in Pregnancy; Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease; Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure; Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris; ACEi and ARBS in Hypertension and Heart Failure; Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension.

The books are available as e-books or in soft cover at a discounted rate for ISCP members.

European Cardiology Review (ECR) – Official ISCP Journal

The European Cardiology Review is a PubMed indexed, peer-reviewed journal comprising review articles, editorials and case reports. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Juan Carlos Kaski, supported by Associate Editors, and underpinned by an editorial board of world-renowned physicians.

Volume 14, Issue 1 Spring 2019 is available on line along with several online first articles. This issue includes a forward by Juan Carlos Kaski and the Cardiomasters section which celebrates the achievements of Antoni Bayes de Luna. Topics in the Spring issue include several articles on Ischaemic Heart Disease; Heart Failure and Arrhythmias; Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Pharmacotherapy.

The ECR is a free on-line review accessible via the ECR website. Article PDFs can be accessed via login or by registering. Articles are also published in full online on PubMed Central.

ECR is always seeking review and opinion from leading figures from across the community. For information on submitting an article, please contact the Managing Editor, Jonathan McKenna.

Recent and Upcoming Meetings, Courses and Workshops


4th Summit Global Summit on Circulatory Health
29 – 30 August 2019
Paris, France

ESC Congress 2019
31 August – 4 September 2019
Paris, France

XXIII International Congress of The Polish Cardiac Society
26 – 28 September 2019
Katowice, Poland

5th International Romanian Symposium: New Heart Rhythm in Cardiology (HRU)
18 – 19 October, 2019
Bucharest, Romania

AHA Scientific Sessions 2019
16 – 20 November, 2019
Philadelphia, USA

CardioVascular Clinical Trialists Forum 2019
5 – 7 December 2019
Washington DC, USA

International Congress of Telemedicine and Telehealth
6 December 2019
Concepción, Chile

ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
8 – 9 May 2020
Miami, USA












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