The ESC Congress and World Congress of Cardiology in Paris was attended by many members and, as always, is a unique opportunity for hearing the widest possible variety of talks and meeting colleagues for exchanges of opinion on all facets of cardiology. Our booth in the ESC Plaza was visited by many people, some old friends and some hearing of us for the first time. The Free Special Membership offered for the remainder of the year proved popular and we hope that this introduction will result in many new members for 2020.
The Governors’ Meeting was well attended with new Governors telling us their plans for the coming year; do watch the website for news. At the ISCP General Assembly it was confirmed that Jack Tan would be President Elect for 2020 and that he will host the Annual Meeting in Singapore in 2021. The congress included a joint session with ISCP chaired by Koji Hasegawa with presentations by John McNeil titled Should my grandmother be on aspirin? Lessons from ASPREE, ADVANCE and ASCEND and by Thomas Kahan on Managing blood pressure in the elderly.
Preparations are well underway for the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISCP which will be held on the 7 – 9 May 2020 in Miami, Florida. Hector Ventura, ISCP President Elect is the Congress President. The congress will include plenary room sessions, breakout sessions, symposia, abstracts/poster displays and an exhibition. More information is available on the meeting’s website:
Please forward any news or information on upcoming conferences or meetings that you would like included in the December 2019 Newsletter to me at by 22 November 2019.
Editors: John McNeil & Lisa Demos
President’s section
Dear colleagues,
The 24th ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting attracted a large audience and the meetings continue to have a big educational impact. Indeed the ECR journal is reporting several contributions from the speakers at the Lugano Congress.
Several regional and local ISCP meetings have been organized and these will take place in three continents: South America, Asia and Europe. An important ISCP trans-continental Webinar is scheduled in a few months.
The ESC/WHF annual meeting in Paris constitutes for ISCP Members and Governors an incredible opportunity to meet during the ISCP General Assembly. During this meeting a delegation of the ISCP Board of Directors met the WHF President Karen Sliwa to reaffirm and establish new first class ISCP/WHF joint educational projects and initiatives.
The programme for the next 25th Annual ISCP Scientific Meeting is on track and includes the following confirmed speakers: Mona Fluzat (USA), Martin Maron (USA), Marc Pfeffer (USA), Christopher O’Connor (USA), Faiez Zannad (France). I wish to all ISCP members a fruitful meeting in Paris and hope to welcome you at the ISCP General Assembly!
Augusto Gallino
President, ISCP
Chair, 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP
25th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISCP- Miami, USA 2020
The congress president is Hector Ventura and the organising committee includes co-chair Ileana Pina, Wayne State University; Faiez Zannad, Chair CVCT; Felipe Martinez, ISCP Executive Committee member; Frank Smart, Louisiana State University; Mauricio Cohen, University of Miami; Juan Aranda, University of Florida; Eduardo Demarchena, University of Miami; Carl J Lavie, Ochsner Clinic; Juan Esteban Gomez Sanchez, Cali Colombia.
The Programme topics include acute coronary syndromes; the challenge of controlling blood pressure; new concepts in atrial fibrillation; prevention of cardiovascular disease; pulmonary hypertension; heart failure with preserved EF; Lipid therapy or anti-inflammatory therapy for atherosclerosis; and updates on cardiomyopathy, heart failure and peripheral arterial and venous disease. The Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award Lecture by Chris O’Connor will be on Precision Medicine.
The submission deadline for abstracts is 9 February 2020. Accepted abstracts will be chosen for either oral presentations or to be presented as a poster. All accepted abstracts will be published in the ISCP 2020 abstract book and online on the ISCP website, and selected abstracts will be chosen to be published in the European Cardiology Review (ECR).
Early bird registration is available until 6 January 2020. Discounted registration is available for ISCP Members, Young Fellows and residents and Nurses and Allied Health Professionals.
The Nominating committee approved the nomination of Jack Tan as the ISCP president-elect for 2020, Thomas Kahan will continue as Treasurer and Pablo Avanzas will be the Secretary.
Prof Takanori Ikeda, ISCP Governor for Japan, held a J-ISCP Scientific Convention in Tokyo on June 8-9, 2019. This governor-initiated meeting included two Asian sessions: Controversy in clinical practice for the management of HF and How to prevent stroke in AF patients more efficiently and safely? Chairs and speakers included ISCP governors from Korea (Sang-Hong Baek) and the Philippines (Nannette Rey). A special lecture was given by Prof Karen Sliwa, the President of the World Heart Federation, entitled Cardiac disease in pregnancy – a practical approach and pharmacological management. Prof Sliwa also held a “mentoring café” to inspire young researchers.
News from World Heart Federation (WHF)
ESC Congress 2019 with World Congress of Cardiology: The scientific programme for the joint WHF and European Society of Cardiology congress was made available online and via a mobile app. The Congress Spotlight was Global Cardiovascular Health and highlighted differences in prevalence, clinical manifestations, prevention strategies, diagnostic modalities and management of cardiovascular diseases around the world.
2nd Meet & Share Forum: WHF hosted this forum from 31 August to 1 September 2019, during the ESC Congress 2019 together with World Congress of Cardiology. The Forum was built around interactive panel discussions with expert representatives from each global region. Each 3-hour session focused on one core skill – social media, fundraising, campaigning, and advocacy.
World Heart Day: This will be celebrated on the 29 September 2019. Campaign materials including toolkits, videos and infographics, policy reports and factsheets are available in multiple languages on the website. The World Heart Day Challenge this year includes the World Heart Day Challenge mobile app, which will be made available to employers to help their employees learn about their heart health and be more active.
Economist Intelligence Unit Report: The WHF commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) to produce a ground-breaking report examining the attitudes and beliefs of Finance Ministries towards taxing tobacco and other unhealthy commodities in order to help fund health priorities. The report will be launched at a side-event at the UN High Level Meeting on UHC on 23 September in New York.
CVD in People with Diabetes Report: The report of the event at the 72nd World Health Assembly Joining forces to fight CVD in people with diabetes: pathways to solutions involved the WHF and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The report includes the main recommendations on preventing and managing cardiovascular diseases in people living with diabetes.
ISCP Book Series: Current Cardiovascular Therapy
The Current Cardiovascular Therapy Series is created with the support of the ISCP. The books provide both an in-depth view of the science and pharmacology behind these drugs and a practical guide to their usage. Each volume contains practical illustrations and designed to improve understanding and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.
The series currently includes 9 books: Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy; Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes; Atrial Fibrillation Therapy; Cardiac Drugs in Pregnancy; Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease; Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure; Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris; ACEi and ARBS in Hypertension and Heart Failure; Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension.
The books are available as e-books or in soft cover at a discounted rate for ISCP members.
European Cardiology Review (ECR) – Official ISCP Journal
The European Cardiology Review is a PubMed indexed, peer-reviewed journal comprising review articles, editorials and case reports. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Juan Carlos Kaski, supported by Associate Editors, and underpinned by an editorial board of world-renowned physicians.
Volume 14, Issue 2 Summer 2019 is available online along with several online first articles. Topics in the Summer issue include an article on Rhythm control in AF by Gheorghe-Andrei Dan; Chagas Disease and Heart Failure by Felipe Martinez and colleagues; Testosterone and the Heart by Michael Kirby and an update on Hypertension and Stroke Treatment By Mauricio Wajngarten and colleagues.
The ECR is a free on-line review accessible via the ECR website. Article PDFs can be accessed via login or by registering. Articles are also published in full online on PubMed Central.
ECR is always seeking review and opinion from leading figures from across the community. For information on submitting an article, please contact the Managing Editor, Jonathan McKenna.
Recent and Upcoming Meetings, Courses and Workshops
XXIII International Congress of The Polish Cardiac Society
26 – 28 September 2019
Katowice, Poland
5th International Romanian Symposium: New Heart Rhythm in Cardiology (HRU)
18 – 19 October, 2019
Bucharest, Romania
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2019
16 – 20 November, 2019
Philadelphia, USA
CVCT 2019
5 – 7 December 2019
Washington DC, USA
International Congress of Telemedicine and Telehealth
6 December 2019
Concepción, Chile
ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
8 – 9 May 2020
Miami, USA
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