In these uncertain times as travel restrictions continue and meetings and conferences are only available in virtual format we note several virtual meetings have been endorsed by the Society, including the upcoming Webinars on New Challenges in the Management of Heart Failure.
This year the 22nd General Assembly Meeting was held via Zoom and the ISCP Board Positions for 2021 were announced. The ISCP President for 2021 will be Jack Tan, the Vice President/President Elect will be Thomas Kahan, and the Treasurer will be Doreen Tan.
Although the details for the next ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting have not been released the proposed dates are 23-25 July 2021.
Please forward any news or information on upcoming conferences or meetings that you would like included in the December 2020 Newsletter to me at by 1 December 2020.
To keep in touch please follow us on Facebook or Twitter (@ISCPcardio). Recent exclusive content on Facebook includes How do I choose Oral Anticoagulants (OAC) in Renal or Liver Impairment? (including cheatsheet); a 60-sec glimpse on Dosing DOACs in Renal Impairment; and a presentation on Renal Function and Drug Dosing.
Take care and stay well.
Editors: John McNeil & Lisa Demos
President’s message

Dear Colleagues,
In this newsletter, I would like to highlight one of our ISCP past Presidents, Jay Norman Cohn, MD. He continues to be active in the field of cardiovascular medicine and his contributions span a period of more than 60 years. I will summarize some of his accomplishments below.
Contributions to ISCP. Dr Cohn was our president from 2009 to 2010. His tenure saw an incredible growth of the ISCP including the creation of newly designed website, a successful meeting in Beijing—organized in collaboration with Hu Dayi, ISCP governor for China and President of the Chinese Society of Cardiology—and the creation of several educational committees involving governors from different countries around the world. In addition, the Society’s Newsletter was developed under the editorship of Lisa Demos and John McNeil, from Melbourne.
Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine. Dr Cohn has pioneered the assessment of cardiovascular function in patients with hypertension, shock, acute myocardial infarction, and heart failure. He was instrumental in developing the concept of vasodilator therapy for heart failure and has organized and chaired the Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Program on vasodilator therapy of heart failure. Dr Cohn was one of the first to advocate bedside hemodynamic monitoring in acutely ill individuals, was the first to identify the syndrome of right ventricular infarction, and was the first to identify vasodilator drugs as an effective therapy for acute and chronic heart failure. He is the author of more than 500 scientific publications and has written extensively on circulatory physiology, hypertension, heart failure and its treatment, nervous system control mechanisms in heart failure, and vascular compliance. He was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cardiac Failure and serves on the editorial boards of many of the major journals in the field. He was co-editor of the cardiology text, Cardiovascular Medicine, and editor of the textbook, Drug Treatment of Heart Failure. Dr Cohn has been the recipient of a number of awards including the Arthur S. Fleming Award, the Distinguished Service Award of the American Heart Association, the AHA Scientific Councils’ Distinguished Achievement Award, the Novartis Award for Hypertension Research, the William S. Harvey Award, and the Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton Award. He has presented numerous honorary lectures around the world and has served as visiting professor at many universities in the USA and abroad.
Conversation with Dr Jay Cohn: It was my pleasure many years ago to interview Dr Cohn in his office about his thoughts about his and the contributions of others to our understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of heart failure. You can read the conversation here
Hector Ventura
President, ISCP
Recent ISCP endorsed webinars included:
- New Challenges in the Management of Heart Failure – Meet the Experts. Tackling practical issues in the management of the heart failure patient. To be presented in two parts on the 4-5 November 2020.
- A series of APSC CME Webinars: Management of Acute Heart Failure: Improvement of Hemodynamics with Appropriate Decongestion; How I Would Treat the Cardiorenal Conundrum (case-based webinar Challenge the Experts with tough questions that impact daily clinical practice); and APSC Consensus on DM.
- APSC/ISCP Virtual Joint Symposium in Asia: Cardiovascular Prevention in Middle Income Countries.
- Cardiovascular Effects of COVID-19: How Should We Manage?
- Patient Selection and Practical Implementation of Renal Denervation in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for Acute Stroke and TIA: Current best practice and emerging strategies.
Some of the webinars from the ISCP-endorsed APSC Virtual Joint Symposium series are now available to view on YouTube. These include: Cardiovascular Prevention in Middle Income Countries and Management of Acute Heart Failure: Improvement of Hemodynamics with Appropriate Decongestion.
The Annual Fall Meeting 2020, ISCP Korea Chapter (K-ISCP) will be held on 28 November with sessions on: Hot Topics in Arrhythmia Joint Symposium with Korean Heart Rhythm Society; Sex Hormones in Cardiovascular Disease; New Drugs in Cardiovascular Disease; Cardiovascular Disease Care in Intensive Unit; New Guidelines in Cardiovascular Disease; Most Failing/Successful Cases; and a special lecture on Efficacy and Safety of the New Osteoporosis Agents.
News from World Heart Federation (WHF)
Heart Talks: 10 Calls to Action from World Class Public Health Experts: Four-part webinar series. The first webinar was on Beyond Doom and Gloom: The Future of CVD & NCD management.
Perio & Cardio Education campaign: provides clear messages on the links between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases and the steps dentists, doctors, and patients need to take in prevention and treatment. The initiative includes the site and educational material.
ISCP Book Series: Current Cardiovascular Therapy

The Current Cardiovascular Therapy Series provide both an in-depth view of the science and pharmacology behind these drugs and a practical guide to their usage. Each volume contains practical illustrations and is designed to improve understanding and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.
The Springer series includes the following books available as e-books or in soft cover at a discounted rate for ISCP members: Antiarrhythmic Drugs; Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy; Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes; Atrial Fibrillation Therapy; Cardiac Drugs in Pregnancy; Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease; Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure; Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris; ACEi and ARBS in Hypertension and Heart Failure; Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension.
European Cardiology Review (ECR) – Official ISCP Journal

The European Cardiology Review (ECR) is a PubMed indexed, peer-reviewed journal comprising review articles, editorials and case reports. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Juan Carlos Kaski, along with Associate Editor Pablo Avanzas and is supported by an editorial board of world-renowned physicians.
Over 500,000 articles have been read and downloaded. Volume 15, 2020 is available here. All articles are free to view via the journal website.
The ECR website also provides access to a range of additional relevant resources such as webinars, videos and live steams cover topics across cardiology including COVID-19, in addition to the COVID-19 Hub.
Please contact Managing Editor Ashlynne Merrifield at if you are interested in becoming involved in the journal, whether as an author, reviewer or board member.
Upcoming Meetings, Courses and Workshops
AHA Scientific Sessions
04 – 05 November 2020
XXVIII Congreso Interamericano De Cardiología
9 – 12 June, 2021
Asunción, Paraguay
New Challenges in the Management of Heart Failure
13 – 17 November 2020
Virtual event
ESO-WSO Conference
7 – 9 November, 2020
Virtual event
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