We would like to welcome the new ISCP appointments for 2021: President Jack Tan, Vice President/President Elect Thomas Kahan, Treasurer Doreen Tan, and a belated welcome to the following Governors, Runroj Krittayaphong (Thailand), Yueng Kim On (Republic of Korea), and Ta-chen Su (Taiwan).
The ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting will be held on the 23-25 July 2021. The Meeting will be held either as totally physical, a hybrid with a maximum of 200 actual attendees or a full webinar. Details including the scientific sessions will be released shortly.
To be fully able to participate in our activities and access the information published on the website you must be a Full Member so do renew your membership for 2021 within the next few weeks.
Please forward any news or information on upcoming conferences or meetings that you would like included in the March 2021 Newsletter to me at lisa.demos@monash.edu by 20 February 2021.
Editors: John McNeil & Lisa Demos
Message from our President

Dear Colleagues,
We look forward to a better year for our communities in 2021. Our capabilities as medical practitioners have been stretched and tested and I am truly grateful to those members who have played their heroic part at the front line. We thank Hector Ventura for leading us through 2020 and look forward to continuing to work with him under less stressful circumstances.
The Society was unable to hold the Annual Scientific Meeting in 2020 but, along with the rest of the world, we have discovered a different way of working and virtual meetings are now very much with us. Members have held them regularly since March and many can be found on our website. Join us on Twitter to be advised when they are taking place. It does feel very positive to be able to welcome those who would not otherwise have been able to attend many of the very interesting meetings held around the world. We invite you to join us in Singapore next July, for the ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting 2021, but if attendance in person is still not a possibility there will be ample opportunities for collaboration and attendance via the web. The programme is being finalised so do keep an eye on developments on the website.
Other impactful ISCP initiatives have been created. Crowdsourcing for a large project surveying global practise consensus is underway and many of you have offered to take part. Our journal, the European Cardiology Review, is growing in stature and we expect to have an impactful factor soon for the journal. There are also many opportunities for collaboration. Local Governors have been organising webinars and virtual meetings and our website has grown with contributions from members which we feel can be of interest and help to us all.
Some of you will have had free access to the website for the past 3 months. This was to give all the opportunity to see the range of information that it holds. The CLAP initiative is a new widely useful initiative. We hope that what you see may encourage some of you to join formally when the free access comes to an end in mid-January. Do remember that Junior membership, which is free, also gives this privilege.
I very much look forward to my year as president of the Society and hope to share some of the experience and events with you.
Jack Tan
President, ISCP
Crowdsourcing Consensus on the Utilisation of Antiplatelet Therapy in NSTE-ACS
The Steering Committee chairs Prof Deepak Bhat and Prof Juan Carlos Kaski invite you to take part in forming a consensus statement on the utilisation of antiplatelet treatment in NSTE-ACS, endorsed by the ISCP. This novel crowdsourcing approach will pool the insight and practices of cardiologists worldwide and will distil the prevailing beliefs and practices in a consensus statement, with the aim of publishing in a peer-reviewed journal in early 2021. By registering in this novel project, you will be joining your colleagues from across the globe, to influence the way in which NSTE-ACS patients are managed post-PCI.
Calls for Bids for 2022 ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting
The ISCP is a non-profit organisation and receives no official or regular subsidies. The ISCP Annual Meeting encompasses both the scientific sessions of the Society and the annual administrative activities. The Executive Committee selects the host country and is calling for bids for the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting.
Our website contains more information about the ISCP Annual Scientific Meeting. If your organization is interested in hosting the Conference, please apply in writing to the ISCP Administration Office.
CLAP (CataLysing Real World Pharmacotherapy) initiative
This ISCP e-learning resource has been very well received especially the talk “Heart Failure & Atrial Fibrillation: A Deadly Alliance“ by Gheorghe-Andrei Dan which has been viewed several thousand times. The CLAP videos are available on the ISCP website and on Facebook.
Recent ISCP-Endorsed Webinars and other educational programmes
- Orthostatic Hypotension Decoded- Printed Modules
- Gender-specific Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases Webinars include: Heart Failure in Women; Gender Differences in Coronary Artery Disease; Gender-specific Prognosis in Acute Myocardial Infarction.
- Annual Fall Meeting 2020, ISCP Korea Chapter (K-ISCP), Korean Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (KSCVP).
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for Acute Stroke and TIA: Current best practice and emerging strategies.
- APSC CME Webinars:
- “How I would treat the cardiorenal conundrum” – Case-based webinar. Challenge the Experts with tough questions that impact daily clinical practice
- Management of acute heart failure: Improvement of hemodynamics with appropriate decongestion
- How I would treat the cardiorenal conundrum
- APSC Consensus on DM
- New Challenges in the Management of Heart Failure – Meet the Experts. Tackling practical issues in the management of the heart failure patient.
A YouTube ISCP Lecture series includes the following: Myocardial Injury in COVID-19; Mechanism of COVID Coagulopathy; and Discussion – Cardiovascular Effects of COVID-19. Other ISCP videos/webinars on YouTube include COVID-19 and the Heart: Experiences from the Frontline.
News from World Heart Federation (WHF)
The Case for the Digital Transformation of Circulatory Health: This new WHF position paper explores how digital innovation can improve healthcare for people with circulatory diseases and supports policymakers to leverage technology through five recommendations. A video testimonial by Lucrecia Burgos, Argentinian cardiologist and WHF Emerging Leader, discusses how telemedicine transformed the way she gives and receives care in a time of adversity.
Heart Talks: A Series of the 5th Global Summit on Circulatory Health. This webinar series included four 1.5-hour interactive webinars held in October and November 2020. Topics included CVD management in the post COVID-19 era and the role of the health workforce, the impact of telemedicine and AI, and the importance of adequate financing for health in times of economic instability.
World Congress of Cardiology: The JCS and WCC 2021 Meeting Next Stage–Future of Medicine and Community will be held as a hybrid meeting i.e., both in Yokohama, Japan and virtual (live and on-demand).
ISCP Book Series: Current Cardiovascular Therapy

The Current Cardiovascular Therapy Series provide both an in-depth view of the science and pharmacology behind these drugs and a practical guide to their usage. Each volume contains practical illustrations and is designed to improve understanding and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.
The Springer series includes the following books available as e-books or in soft cover at a discounted rate for ISCP members: Antiarrhythmic Drugs; Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy; Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes; Atrial Fibrillation Therapy; Cardiac Drugs in Pregnancy; Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease; Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure; Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris; ACEi and ARBS in Hypertension and Heart Failure; Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension.
European Cardiology Review (ECR) – Official ISCP Journal

The European Cardiology Review (ECR) is a PubMed indexed, peer-reviewed journal comprising review articles, editorials and case reports. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Juan Carlos Kaski, along with Associate Editor Pablo Avanzas and is supported by an editorial board of world-renowned physicians.
The current volume is available here with all articles free to view via the journal website.
The ECR website also provides access to a large range of additional relevant resources such as webinars and on demand videos.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the journal whether as an author, reviewer or board member please contact Ashlynne Merrifield, Managing Editor, ashlynne.merrifield@radcliffe-group.com.
Upcoming Meetings, Courses and Workshops
ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021
13-17 April 2021
Digital Congress
ACC.21 Scientific Session and ACC.21 Virtual
15-17 May 2021
Atlanta, Georgia
XXVIII Congreso Interamericano De Cardiología
9-12 June 2021
Asunción, Paraguay
31st European Days of the French Society of Cardiology
15-17 January 2021
Digital Congress
Belgian Society of Cardiology 40th Annual Congress
11-12 February 2021
Virtual Event
WCC 2021 and JCS
26-28 March 2021
Virtual and Yokohama, Japan
NHAM Congress 2021
2-8 April 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
To unsubscribe to the Newsletters please notify: Begoña Lugg the ISCP Administration Officer at begonalugg@iscpcardio.org