Our cheerful onsite ISCP 2017 volunteers
Dear Colleagues,
The 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy was held on the 24th and 25th August in Barcelona, Spain. Those of us who took part felt that it was highly successful and of interest to everyone. The very full program and faculty gave us a wide range of subjects within our field, and the ISCP 2017 presentations were both interesting and inspiring.
During this Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISCP, we attended Joint Meetings and collaborated with the European Society of Cardiology (Working Group of Pharmacotherapy), the Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), the Catalan and Spanish Society of Cardiology, the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES), the Catalan Society of General Practitioners (CAMFIC) and also with the European Association of Professors Emeriti. This allowed fruitful scientific and cultural interchange between those organizations and the participants who came from 19 different countries and from Europe, Asia, North and South America. A total of 45 presentations took place followed by very productive discussions.
The Henry Neufeld Lecture was presented by Prof. Günter Breithardt who gave an outstanding talk with the title “Atrial Fibrillation – From Epidemiology to Prevention and Management”.
The ISCP awards for distinguished contributions to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy were given to Prof. Antonio Bayés de Luna and to Prof. Valentí Fuster. They also both contributed to the proceedings with excellent talks entitled “Advanced Interatrial Block. Is it already time to anticoagulate in the absence of atrial fibrillation?” and “Moving from risk factors to persons at risk: the need for individual and global strategies”, respectively.
We were also happy to award prize winners and Young Investigator Award (YIA) winners during ISCP 2017.
The full conference proceedings were filmed for us by our collaborators Radcliffe Cardiology. The featured sessions from ISCP 2017 are available to view for on this website, and the entire course footage is now available on the Simple Education platform.
I want to express again my gratitude to those of you who participated (speakers, chairman and attendees), to the national and international sponsors who facilitated the event in a perfect venue, the local advisory board and organization staff, and the co-chairmen of the congress.
Finally, I want to express my hope that even more of you can join us in Kyoto, Japan, next May 2018 for the 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISCP which is certain to be of the very highest quality and will serve to further increase education and knowledge in Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
Antoni Martinez-Rubio
President of the ISCP